Sunday 2 March 2014

Date night!

Date night, how do you ever find the energy anymore? I spent an afternoon browsing ideas for date nights 'in' since I felt like doing something special with my husband but last minute babysitting would not really happen. My little one helped and kept poking the computer to move to a new screen. According to her, changing to a new screen is the whole point of using the computer. Only one thing for it, Mamma must read really fast!

I found inspiration and stored my favourite ideas away for later. When my husband got home we started preparing for a fun lounge room picnic dinner/movie date. We all drove to the supermarket and browsed the DVD isle, found a horror and a comedy on sale and picked them up. We collected picnic foods next, hotdogs, French fries, soft drink, chocolate milk etc. It was fun, going to the shops on a mission to splurge and indulge.

My husband cooked while I bathed our little one then we all met in the lounge room on the picnic rug. It was getting close to bed time for our little one and she was a little overwhelmed by the freedom of eating dinner on the floor. She did laps around the picnic rug, taking turns sitting on each of us, trying everyone's food and basically having a ball. I would say it was relaxing, except that she kept trying to pour tomato sauce everywhere and wanted to eat everyone's food but her own.

Our little one was so tired she ate the bare minimum (which is rare for our food lover) and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. We had the rest of the evening to ourselves! It is so rare to have so much time in the evening now days. I will remember to wear her out in advance, next time we plan a date night in. 

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