Thursday 27 February 2014

Being sick

Being a parent and being sick is one of the hardest things to do. Even with the sweetest child, being sick is an awfully hard thing to do with little ones. Life does not pause for sickness, neither does a toddler. Nappies needs changing, bellies need filling, books need reading, and fun needs to be had. After a weekend long migraine, no matter how hard I wanted to be a fun mum, there was no way I could do it. I could barely move my head to look at my little one, let alone be the chirpy, fun person my little one is used to. Daddy to the rescue, he took the day off, took me to hospital and played dolls, read books and made sandwiches. He is truly the best.

Dropping me off at the hospital my little one did not mind looking at all the new things to see, listen to all the new noises and stare wide eyed at all the medical do-da's. She waved bye bye and was such a good girl for Daddy.  When I got home I got lots of kisses and she kept pointing to the bandage from the drip and tell me it was 'poor' 'poor' 'poor'. The next day, back to my normal self, I could not help but laugh at my little one walking around with my medical ID bracelet on telling everyone she was 'poor'. I think it might be the very first addition to our dress up box.

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