Wednesday 5 March 2014

Baking Fruity Muffins with a toddler!

I have been trying to think of more activities to do at home to keep my little one entertained and decided to make fruity muffins. I am not a fan of baking nor am I particularly good at it, however my little one loves being in the kitchen and helping whenever food is involved. She often gets shoo-ed out of the kitchen when dinner is prepared because she does not have patience for waiting or understand how hot appliances can be. I thought baking muffins together might let her experience being in the kitchen in a safer, more interactive and fun way. She loved it!

My little one loved mixing the ingredients and became possessive of the spoon, she was so patient putting the patty pans in the muffin tray, she enjoyed pointing to which patty pan needed filling with muffin mixture and then sat staring intently at the oven door while the muffins baked.

One thing I should mention is how fast baking is with a toddler. There is no dilly-dallying around otherwise flour ends up all over the table and morning tea is added to the bowl. Lucky for us, morning tea was just pieces of additional fruit that had not been eaten yet.

Another note: Goods baked with a toddler are not intended to be shared with anyone who is squeamish about eating something the toddler has put their finger into (toddlers are expert taste testers)

If you want the recipe for these particular fruity muffins, just scroll to the bottom of the post (after all the photos). 

Fruity Muffins


1 1/2 Cup of Self Raising Flour
1/4 Cup of Sugar
60gram of melted butter
1-2 Cups of finely chopped or purée fruit ( I usually use a 1:1 ratio of solid fruit and purée fruit)
1 egg
1/2 Cup Milk


1. Preheat oven to 180 Degree Celsius 
2. Combine Self raising flour and sugar in a bowl.
3. Mix through melted butter
4. Add finely chopped fruit and stir through purée fruit
5. Whisk egg and milk and add to mixture
6. Bake in individual patty pans in oven for 20minutes or until a skewer comes out of the muffin clean

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