Friday 7 March 2014

Lunch ideas: Salad Rolls

My little one helped prepare lunch today, she dragged a chair up to the kitchen bench and started eating before I even had a chance to put together our salad rolls! I sliced large chunks of tomato, cheese and meat, then finely sliced lettuce and onion. Glued together with a smidge of mayonnaise and Ta-da! Yummy salad rolls!

Rolls are lots of fun for toddlers, they are big enough to easily grab in two hands and eat as a whole thing or a fun finger food dish. My little one decided to taste all her toppings individually then she had a blast putting the last of the toppings back on the bun and finishing up with a traditional roll. I think the bite of diced onion made her eyes pop a little, but she kept going back for more.

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