Friday 7 March 2014

The recycling man and his truck

Apparently trucks and cars are fascinating even from a young age. My little one runs to the window in excitement whenever she hears the recycling mans truck coming down the street. She climbs the couch, standing on tiptoes to wave to him as he goes by.

This morning I had a few bags of recycling to take to the curb and could already hear the trucks coming. I gave a bag to my little one and we took the recycling to the bins. We each had bags to carry so we were not holding hands close to the road, and normally this kind of freedom would mean she would be running to explore. Luckily there must be a tiny bit of caution in her little bones and she stayed close. 

We got all the recycling in the bins and she kept peeking from around my legs to try to see the truck. I decided we could wait at the fence and wave. Little arms wrapped around my neck, she leaned as far forward as possible and her little face lit up with excitement as the truck came closer. She waved to the recycling man and he waved back. More excitement. Fascination came next when the truck scooped up the bin and tipped it inside. A few more waves and the recycling man and his truck disappeared. 

I am constantly amazed at how such mundane, everyday things are so amazing to my little one. Such happiness and joy from waving to the recycling man, checking out his truck up close and just having a new experience.

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