Thursday 13 February 2014

Lunch Ideas: Finger food

I am often stumped with what to offer my little one for lunches, we tend to get into a slump where we eat the same thing each day. BORING! So, I thought I might add a few fun ideas to the blog every so often to help organise myself.

Finger foods are always fun. Once your little one masters solids, finger foods are great to explore different textures and tastes. Perfect for grazers or to snazz up the old sandwich routine! I usually make two lunches when I am making finger foods, this way I have a lunch prepared for the next day or something I can divvy up for snacks. Everyone loves a time saver, right?

Finger foods on today's menu: 

Cheerios spilt down the middle
Sticks of cheese
Cruskit quarters
250mls of milk

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