Friday 14 February 2014

Decluttering: Children's pictures and art

Last night {or should I say early morning} in a fit of pregnant induced insomnia I decided to clean our fridge. My little one has only just learned she can drag a chair from the dining room into the kitchen, climb up and play with all the bills, coupons, pictures and magnets littering the front. I was surprised how much was on there and how grubby the magnets had become after years of neglect. I was quite enthusiastic about throwing out as much as I could, things I couldn't got moved on and now my fridge looks fantastic.

I ended up with a massive pile of pictures and drawings, that were gifts from nieces, and I just couldn't bare to throw them in the bin. So, I decided to purchase a kids scrapbook to glue them all in and keep them, treasured, for years to come. I am excited about this spark or organisational brilliance. I know it's not a new concept, but I think it is really going to help declutter and keep those little treasures safe.

I bought a cheap scrapbook from the supermarket, covered it in a neutral wrapping paper, labeled it and sealed it with contact {I think the layer of paper underneath prevented all those dreaded bubbles!}. Then all I had to do was glue each piece of art in, put a date on each piece and the artists name and my art collection has begun!

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