Thursday 13 February 2014

Stolen Moments for Creativity

It is amazing how busy life becomes when you have a little one. Suddenly you are checking whether little tummies or nappies are full, when the last time that little nose was wiped, trying to keep drool levels on household items to an acceptable level, coordinating times to pee and forgetting to drink that cup of tea that has been sitting on the bench for the last four hours.

I was surprised when I realised that there were short bursts of time that kept disappearing because they were too short to actually fill with the million things I needed to do around the house. I had moments where I would need to pause to give my little one a chance to self settle, to learn to play independently or to finish whatever task she was occupied with.

These fleeting moments were precious, stolen time that I could let some of my creativity out! Before becoming a mamma there was always something to do, something to create, another passion to explore. A lot of mammas have an outlet for their creative side, some are social butterflies, some bake, some blog, some sew, some create and design, some craft; there are endless ways mammas can express themselves. I think the difficult thing is to judge how much time you have to invest and where your interests lie.

I decided to teach myself to crochet, something that I could pick up for a few moments and put down quickly if needed. Crochet seemed like a way to let some creativity out, fill those pauses in our busy lives, and create some treasures for my little one. I am truly a beginner in crochet and my stolen moments project took 6months!

My little one loves music, when Giggle'n'Hoot begins on television her face lights up in delight, as she has become older she still loves the energetic characters and is entranced by their songs and antics. I decided to crochet 'Hoot' and although it took so long to finish she still loves it.

If you would like to crochet your own 'Hoot' there is a lovely tutorial on Six Little Mice's blog

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