Wednesday 16 April 2014

Easter crafts and individual peculiarities

My husband did crafts with our little one today, it was nice that he was able to have some special art time with her. Since Easter is coming up and we have copious amounts of cotton balls (more than any person may go through in their lifetime), a fluffy bunny picture was planned.

I left my favourite pair to their crafting fun and got some gardening done. I was surprised to see my little one peering out from the window to watch me gardening soon after I left and wondered how crafting with Daddy was so quick. It made me giggle to think of impossibility of our toddler being rushed through the fun of smooshing things in glue.

Later once my task in the garden was done I searched out my little family and I asked how their crafting went. My husband laughed and explained that it was going well until our little one accidentally got glue on her hands and then some cotton ball fluff attached itself to her. He explained she got so overwhelmed wiping the fluff off with one hand only to have transferred it to the other that she was stuck in an endless loop.  

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