Thursday 17 April 2014

Chocolate alternatives for Easter: Play-doh Plastic Eggs

Searching for plastic eggs to put stickers and such in my little ones easter basket was a nightmare! Pinterest would make me think that plastic eggs are a dime a dozen during Easter holidays and that every Mamma has an endless collection of them stored in her magical handbag of awesome. Not this Mamma! This Mamma was going to write a general letter to all those Pinteresting Mammas and demand they share their secret plastic egg source! 

It took literally two weeks of scouring supermarkets and specialty stores until I found some in Woolworths hidden down the toilet paper isle! I picked these Play-doh spring eggs up with the last of my grocery money and did a little impromptu dance surrounded by toilet paper and personal hygiene products. Any one walking past would have thought me odd, but when you spend so much time searching, you have to celebrate finding your treasure!

Now that I have these babies secure in my possesson I am not sure whether I can dump the play-doh to use the plastic eggs! They are just perfect for little people to play with during Easter!


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