Thursday 28 January 2016

Bliss balls

It's been an incredibly long journey to reach a state where I am feeling that I can balance the mammaslife and just being. 

My second baby girl was planned and we were so excited for her to join us but I never realised how hard it would be to be the mamma I wanted to be, to overcome my personal limitations and just find a way to manage day to day. I have two beautiful girls and such a blessed life but each day exhaustion hits and I begin to struggle to do everything I need to do and everything I want to do. 

Today I was awesome. I took my girls on a play date, I chatted with girlfriends, I learned to make Onigiri, I cleaned the kitchen and vacuumed the floor, I mixed oaty cookie dough and I made bliss balls.     

There are days where we never get out of our pjs, we don't even leave the house or see the sunshine, and then there are days like today. I'm happy I'm getting my energy back. I grieve over the time we've lost but I don't feel guilty, mammaslife is full of guilt and worry, I know that there are some things beyond my control. Time is lost. Today is ours. Tomorrow will be what it will be

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