Sunday 21 June 2015

Octonauts Characters for my daughters birthday invitations

My eldest daughter is due for another birthday and this year I started working on her invitations a tad early. We had the big party when she turned one and then since then we have a playdate at her favourite park with her friends instead of the big birthday celebration.

My daughter loves the Octonauts at the moment. We purchased Octonaut figures for her birthday cake and I decided to decorate her birthday playdate invites with her favourite characters.

I had a play around with Adobe Illustrator and made some cute vector images of her favourite oceanic team. As I built the characters my daughter sat by my side, providing a running commentary on what I should add/edit! She is the leading expert on the Octonauts in our home.

It was a fun activity and I thought I might add the .png files to my blog, just in case there are other mammas out there looking for images for similar activities!

Please note: Octonauts characters belong to Meomi Design Inc. These images are fan art only and not for sale.

(Octonaut team)





(Captain Barnicles)


(Professor Inkling)


  1. Thank you for this,so much! My daughter reallt loves octonauts!

  2. Thank you so much for these cute fan art! My son loves Octonauts!
