Wednesday 17 September 2014

Talk like a pirate day "Arrrr!"

I am getting excited about "talk like a pirate day". My daughter and I have been watching a little too much ABC4Kids and there has been a lot of promotion for Friday's programming with all the pirate-y shows planned ... this Mamma needs a tad more sleep, but its impossible with a newborn and a toddler. 

So I decided to make us pirate eye patches! Arrrr! 

Here is a visual step by step process:


After drawing/cutting a cardboard template it was easy to cut two matching oval pieces of felt, to make two eye patches.

I used a basic running stitch to join the elastic and folded the oval over the elastic to create an eyepatch shape.

I used the same basic running stitch to join the halves of the felt together and hid the elastic join underneath the felt. I used white crochet cotton, because it was easy to grab, I think the contrasting stitches look pretty awesome.


"Arrrr" one very pirate-y pillow!

All completed!

Now make another one! But don't accidentally twist the elastic and sew it all together before you realise what you have done {like I did}.

Tada! All ready for Talk like a Pirate Day!

Note: An older child could easily make something like this while supervised. Have fun with your eye patches activity!


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