Friday 12 September 2014

Crochet Toddler Slippers

Another crochet project, toddler slippers! I found a pattern on pinterest with a chart for the soles of a pair of slippers and managed to get a matching pair of soles completed. I was a little nervous about getting them to match. I taught myself to crochet nearly two years ago via YouTube and google, so my skill level in replicating the same thing accurately is not 100%. 

I was so happy once I pulled off the soles I jumped back on pinterest and opened up the link to the blog with the chart for further instructions on making the slippers. Then in dismay realised it was Russian or Czech or some other foreign language I could not recognise and was never going to be able to read or get google to translate. My keyboard does not make all of the letters/symbols I was reading! 

I decided it took too much time to get two matching soles to give up, I tried to find a free patten to adapt to the soles but could not find anything, so I made it up! Yep, I managed to make a decent looking pair of toddler slippers! I'm not completely convinced every single stitch was identically placed in the pair but after scrutinising over them for a few minutes I could not actually find any stitches that were missing/added incorrectly. 

I had to bribe my toddler with stickers to get her to try them on three times while I was making them for sizing and to make the strap. Now that they are completed she loves them! Unfortunately our house is completely tiled, so crochet slippers are incredibly slippery! {he he he he, pun intended!} I will have to find some way to add grips to the base.

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