Thursday 23 October 2014

Early morning giggles!

My girls had a party at three am. My toddler brought her pillow, Elmo and Grover plushies into our room and chucked them all in between my husband and me, got comfy and she started chatting and giggling. 

Our baby girl decided at that moment that she was hungry so my husband made a bottle while I tried to convince our toddler it was still sleepy time. Sleep was no fun when she knew baby girl was up, so she wiggled down off the bed and ran to help Daddy. I dragged myself out of bed and snuggled with everyone on the couch. 

Today I cancelled all social outings, chucked on my crazy Aztec pants (that my husband thinks are too lare-y for public viewing) and decided we will have a lazy day at home. Completely understandable right?

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