Thursday 8 May 2014

Creamy Carbonara (egg free version)

Our little one loves cooking, she wants to help with everything and it can get a bit much during the dinner time rush. Luckily my husband and I are pretty in-sync and can keep her involved and patient while getting the meal ready. Tonight's menu ... Creamy carbonara (the no egg version since I am pregnant). Our little one loved helping cut vegetables, passing ingredients and taking turns stirring. It can be a bit of a handful at times but at least meal preparation is not boring!


I have a powerful love of pasta in general and while pregnant with our first child we basically lived off macaroni and cheese packet mix meals loaded with whatever we had in the fridge. My husband never complained, he just accepted that once the baby came he would get more variety back in the dinner menu.  Pregnant second time around and my love of pasta remains.

This meal, however, is better than any packet mix pasta creation! Lots of fresh ingredients, that satisfying sizzle of bacon and mushrooms cooking, creamy cheesy goodness ... Sigh. Food heaven!

This is the second time I have made this dish and I am feeling a bit proud. My husband kept going back for more. No leftovers tonight!


Creamy Carbonara (egg free version)


6-7large mushrooms 
4 large shallots
3 rashers of bacon 
1 tablespoon of oil
4 cloves of finely grated garlic
1tablespoon of butter
300ml thick pouring cream
100ml milk
30gm finely grated Parmesan cheese
250g fettuccine 

1. Boil fettuccine in saucepan, rinse and keep warm during cooking
2. Dice bacon, mushrooms and shallots.
3. Grate garlic and Parmesan cheese
4. Fry bacon with grated garlic in oil on high heat until cooked
5. Add mushrooms, shallots and butter and fry until mushrooms brown slightly
6. Lower temperature and add cooked fettuccini and cream, milk and Parmesan cheese
7. Cook until sauce thickens to desired consistency